Best places to work

Case Study


HealthNow - Mackleys


In a male-dominated industry like transport and logistics, where men can be reluctant to seek medical attention, this benefit is a game-changer. The pressure of their roles can take a toll on their mental and physical health, and having funds readily available can help them get checked out when problems arise. For some, this means being able to see a GP or get a new pair of glasses. All of this leads to less staff absence and a fit and healthy team ready to tackle the big jobs for our customers.

It is important to recognise that investing in employee health is an investment in the company’s success. By providing funds for medical use, Mackleys can help ensure our team is healthy and productive. This benefit can also help reduce healthcare costs in the long run by catching health issues early on before they become more serious.

Overall, Health Now’s benefit is beyond amazing for Mackleys, and it is something that other transport companies should consider implementing as well. Thank you again, Health Now, for your commitment to employee health and well-being.