Best places to work

Case Study


Testimonial - Waiheke Island Supported Homes Trust


Why do you think Best Places to Work is important?

It’s all about best practice, wanting to be uniquely, the best we can be. It’s confidential survey allows kaimahi to express themselves fully. We want to know if there are any areas that need improving. It’s reassuring to see common themes expressed.

Why did you enter the Survey?

Conveniently, it coincided with an internal survey for our kaimahi to rate how we are doing on a range of key factors, the ones we value and promote in our business.

Briefly discuss what makes your business a best place to work

It’s small, local, and has a family feel about it. We all care about the mahi we’re involved in. We’re unique and special. We’re getting better at caring for and supporting each other. We know that our efforts make a big difference in the lives of the people we support. There is so much potential to be better and leverage our skills. We’re all on an exciting journey, together.

Peter Reilly

General Manager