Importance of Benefits

We process hundreds of job advertisements a day and often an organisatoin will discuss in detail what experience the candidate needs to have and what they must bring to the role without showing what the candidate will receive in return. It’s a two way street, and this needs to be at the front of your mind if you want to be successful hiring the right talent when candidates have the upper hand.
With unemployment being at an all time low, it’s getting harder and harder to find the right people suitable for your opportunities. If candidates feel like they’re not going to get any benefits from the role or the company, they won’t take a second look at your vacancies and will instead apply for the roles that offer extensive company perks.
After the pandemic, flexible working should be a given and we want to talk about more than just that. We’ve collated a list of benefits that candidates could be looking for when applying for roles as well as the benefits that we have found our staff love!
- Creating a good team culture
Here at HainesAttract, we have found ways that positively boost team morale to create a healthy workplace. We offer wine and cheese every Friday, celebrate our success with fun company outings, regularly do team coffee runs at the local cafe, fresh fruit for an afternoon pick me up, company activities such as cooking nights, and we can’t forget our faviourite doughnut day! These small wins contribute to staff being rewarded for their hardwork while also creating excitement and something to look forward to each week.
- Mental Health support
This can be as little as checking in on your colleagues, and encouraging sick leave to also be taken for Mental health days. At HainesAttract we have a great system called EAP where employees can anonymously organise appointments with a qualified therapist and have 3 sessions free of charge. Another way to support wellbeing is the encourage a healthy work/life balance. We’ve recently given our staff 6 weeks annual leave to use this as they please, whether this be recharging at home or catching up on the travel they’ve missed during the pandemic.
- Fitness
Fitness is such a great way to clear your head and unwind after a busy day at work. Many of our staff at HainesAttract use this as an effective way to increase productivity and motivation for the day. Everyone has a different idea of what fitness means to them so as an organisation it’s important to support your staff however they wish to get their daily dose of endorphins. A great initiative that we have recently implemented is a quarterly $100 fitness subsidy to ensure staff are supported with their favourite fitness activity.
- Learning and development opportunities
Candidates want the ability to upskill and progress in their careers. Offering training and support, through courses or online classes can be a great way to ensure your staff feel like they’re growing within the role and that they have a clear development pathway. This can also be a clear incentive to stay within an organisation as the candidate feels like they’re still developing and aren’t stagnant within the company.
Our purpose is a simple one, we transform the way people connect with opportunity. To ensure we do this to a high standard, we have invested in our staff so they have all the support, resources and mental clarity. We hope these tips and tricks are beneficial to help you attract and retain staff and also help you to stay relevant within this candidate driven market.